Understanding AddAsync (Asynchronous) and Add (Synchronous)

  • Core Purpose: Both methods serve the same mission: adding a new entity to a persistence layer (often a database) managed by your Object-Relational Mapper (ORM) or data access layer.
  • Key Distinction: AddAsync operates asynchronously, enhancing responsiveness in UI-centric applications by not blocking the UI thread. Add works synchronously, completing the operation in the current thread.

Choosing Your Champion: AddAsync vs. Add

Here's a breakdown to help you decide:

UI ResponsivenessMaintains responsivenessMight block the UI thread
Use CasesUser interactions, background processesBackground tasks, immediate data processing
Performance (Network)Potentially better for high latency networksMight be slightly faster on local networks
Error HandlingRequires proper asynchronous error handlingStandard synchronous error handling

General Usage and Examples

  1. Adding an Entity (Asynchronous):
// Assuming you have an instance of your repository (`repository)`)
// and a new Product object (`product`)

Task addProductTask = repository.AddAsync<Product>(product);

// Await the task to ensure completion before proceeding (optional)
await addProductTask;

// You can continue with further operations after successful addition
Console.WriteLine($"Product '{product.Name}' added successfully.");
  1. Adding an Entity (Synchronous):

// No need to await as the operation happens synchronously

Console.WriteLine($"Product '{product.Name}' added successfully.");

Modern Usage Considerations

  • Asynchronous Programming Paradigm: In modern applications, AddAsync is generally preferred due to its responsiveness benefits. Asynchronous programming allows your application to remain interactive while data is being added.
  • Error Handling: Implement robust error handling mechanisms to gracefully handle potential exceptions during the addition process. Consider using try-catch blocks or asynchronous exception handling patterns (e.g., Task.WaitAll with exception propagation).
  • Entity State Tracking: In some ORMs, calling Add might not automatically mark the entity as "added" for tracking purposes. Consult your ORM's documentation for configuration details regarding entity state management.

Advanced Usage Scenarios

  1. Adding Multiple Entities (Asynchronous):
// Assuming you have a list of Product objects (`products`)

List<Task> addProductTasks = new List<Task>();
foreach (var product in products)

// Wait for all tasks to complete in parallel (or use other techniques like Task.WhenAll)
await Task.WaitAll(addProductTasks.ToArray());

Console.WriteLine($"{addProductTasks.Count} products added successfully.");
  1. Adding Entities with Relationships (Eager Loading):

If your entity model involves relationships, you might need to consider eager loading related entities to avoid multiple database queries. Consult your ORM's documentation for specific syntax and configuration options.

  1. Adding Entities with Change Tracking (Optional):

In some ORMs, enabling change tracking allows for efficient updates using methods like UpdateAsync or Update. Refer to your ORM's documentation for configuration details.


  • Prioritize AddAsync for UI-centric applications to maintain responsiveness.
  • Choose Add for background tasks or scenarios where immediate data manipulation is critical.
  • Leverage asynchronous programming for a more modern and efficient approach.
  • Implement proper error handling and carefully consider entity state tracking in your ORM.
  • Explore advanced techniques like adding multiple entities, eager loading, and change tracking when necessary.

By understanding the nuances of AddAsync and Add, you can effectively manage entity creation within your modern applications, ensuring responsiveness, efficiency, and error resilience.